The dining room table is finally in and we are absolutely in love with it- we had a minor issue with a broken leg which was found after paying for it AND having it carted over from Beaumont to Houston but we found a great company in town to fix it properly and we couldn’t be happier. They were amazing and fast, we wanted the leg back in time for the weekend and they delivered. So now our dining room is looking a lot more like us
close up of the pretty table legs and you can better see the design on the chair fabric
Of course I still want to do something to that back wall, and I’m really beginning to think I want to panel it, a la
Rambling Renovators
And yes i realize that's a bedroom but I love the idea o a whole wall paneled like that!
But that remains to be seen. Oh in addition, I decided that the problem with the accent wall through its several paint jobs isn’t the accent wall so much as it is the wall color for the whole room, which I hate! It’s too dark/ olive-y tan. I am now on the hunt for a more greige color along the lines of
RH Stone
SW Windsor Greige
BM Baby Fawn
Just the beginning though, so we’ll see how long it takes to decide on that. I first put up paint swatches in my bedroom in February and I just had that painted last week! More on that to come!